Tuesday 5 October 2010

Fire and Water

I remember the crow's foot
guiding a rivulet of tears

And further down your cheek
there was a Dee or a Don

I knew the river
I launched boats on the river
I sailed on boats down the river
out onto an open ocean

I sailed to dry lands
scaled the sand dunes
built my house on the sun
and ate my daily bread.

When they found me
I was in love with your leaves
my skeleton hung from your branches
and chimed in the breeze
I imagined a drop of you landing on the grass
near to where we stood in a wind
blowing at a hundred kisses an hour

One day when we can't get any older
we'll build a rainbow
and at the end of it a garden
as still as a houseful of golden children
sleeping and dreaming and whispering
light and water are what I eat best
light and water are what I eat best.

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